b'I ntroduCtIonWelcome to For Goodness Sake, a cookbook about food that is good for you, good for all living things, and good for the planet we call home. For Goodness Sake is more than a title; its the central philosophy of this cookbook and the group that produced it, goodness being the value we aspire to bring to every part of our lives, from our actions and our relationships to the food we put into our bodies.At its core, though, this is really a book about community. It addresses the things a group of professionals, friends, and artists who work together have learned about growing, preparing, preserving, and sharing the food we eat daily. Like an increasing number of people everywhere, many of us have turned to a plant-based diet for health reasons, as a doorway to what we see as a more compassionate lifestyle, and to minimize our footprints on the earth through our food-related choices.The recipes are selected from the varied dishes that Chef Diane Hagedorn creates for us each day in the kitchen of the Spiral House, a unique stone structure based on sacred geometry that was designed by artist Tom Gottsleben. (Visit him at tomgottsleben.com to see his work.) Tom and his wife, Patty Livingston, have lived in New Yorks Hudson River Valley since the early 1980s on a property that was once a bluestone quarry. There, in the late 1990s, he designed and built the spiral structure, essentially sculpting a home on this land.During the building process, and in the years since then, the couple assembled a small community of stoneworkers, artists, and writers who comprise Toms sculpture crew, produce his publications, work on the many organic vegetable and flower gardens, and tend to the daily needs of Introduction 9'