The late Elena Zang, Tom’s friend, gallery representative and co-owner of the Elena Zang Gallery in Woodstock, New York, first prepared this drink for Tom several years ago because of the anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties of both turmeric and garlic. Turmeric is familiar as a spice in the United States but it has been widely used for thousands of years to treat medical conditions in parts of Asia. New research has now revealed just why these fascinating spices are so effective.
Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, appears to inhibit inflammation several ways, including by replicating the same mechanism as nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs. In lab tests, curcumin also has shown promise for blocking the growth of certain tumors and stabilizing colorectal cancer when other treatments have not worked. A recent study also shows that turmeric boosts the conversion of plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids into DHA in the brain. This is important because DHA accounts for up to 97% of the Omega-3 fats in the brain and up to 93% of the Omega-3 fats in the retina. It is also a key component of the heart.
Gingerol, the main bioactive compound in ginger, is responsible for much of its purported medicinal properties. A controlled trial of 247 people with osteoarthritis of the knee found that those individuals who took ginger extract had less pain and required less pain medications. New but limited research also indicates that ginger may be effective against cancers of the pancreas, breast and ovaries.
It’s not surprising, therefore, that we now eagerly line up for a shot of this drink that Val juices daily in our heavy-duty Omega Fruit and Vegetable Juicer. Here’s the recipe we think is good for many of the things that may ail you:
1-inch fresh ginger root
1-inch fresh turmeric root
5-6 big stalks of celery
2 medium carrots
1 apple with its skin
a quarter of a sweet orange or red bell pepper
the juice of ½ lemon
Juice all ingredients together and enjoy.
NOTE: Pregnant women and individuals with medical conditions like gallbladder or kidney disease, bleeding disorders, diabetes, or immunity problems are advised not to use turmeric supplements. And because it has the potential to increase bleeding, it should not be taken two weeks before surgery. As with any natural substance used in concentrated amounts, discuss what you are doing with your health professional.